Ed. Galleria, Il Pozzo, Città di Castello, 1984.

Ed. Galleria, La Virgola, Fabriano, 1986.

         (...)  It was the time of white paper which the scalpel cut with subtle parallel nervures, fences and pentagrams, movement at the limit of perception, to prove a spasmodic restlessness, tense and self-afflicting, in the moment in which it implied the coincidence between aesthetic and moral factor.

         Even then it appeared difficult to catalogue Gubinelli's work:  Without a doubt a Gestalt-type study, as has been written, but let us not forget his logical-analytic denotation insinuating the design specific of the geometric sequences revealed by light.

         (...)  Thus after the "physical" phase of light and space, another phase leading to a liberated dimension opens for Gubinelli.  The passage occurs by means of colour and in colour:  extreme conquest, song opposed to thought, significant signal by antonomasia.  Hence ensues a constellation of ideograms, from the "mandala" to the labyrinth, the emergence of biomorphic energies which become true in dots, spirals, nuclear shapes and cosmic routes.  Gesture leads to graffiti, to the innocence of magical practice, to an automatism by which even scalpel strokes become cuts and follow more adventurous courses behind the centrifugal rhythm of the sign still partially concealed in the lower indications of waxes and pastels; or they design curvilinear sections, triangular fields within which the suggestions of Mirò and Twombly are absorbed; as in a diminuendo, they soften in the game of stratifications:  from construens, Gubinelli has now reached the tale, the lyrical poem. 

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