The first lights of dawn

         Art explores many worlds, all of them different, as many and as different as are individuals, incomprehensible and strange.  Personal worlds, in any event, at times revealed in all their completeness, at times discovered very slowly, like when the first lights of dawn break through the darkness and draw only the profile of things, like a corner, a part of a surface whose breadth and shape are unknown, an indistinct flash, lines crossing without a destination, signs and not yet shapes, colours only hinted at, a pre-perceptive world that stimulates the imagination, that provokes thought, that leaves us suspended (for how long?).

         A situation much loved by Orientals who prefer to see the world illuminated by a thin crescent moon rather than a vulgar full moon, so dear to lovers and children.

         Gubinelli proposes these pre-perceptive stimuli, not yet shapes, almost fragments of signs, apparitions of colours.

         These barely marked sheets bring to mind (to whomever knows them, of course) the thoughts of a Buddhist monk of the end of the year one thousand two hundred, by the name of Kenko, author of the book, "Moments of Idleness," published by Adelphi:  "This world is such an uncertain and changing place that what we imagine to see before our eyes, in reality, does not exist...We can not be sure that the mind exists.  All things external are illusions."  But we too, are "a thing external" to another.

         Only art, by now completely free, can lead us to explore these unexplored worlds on the limits of perception.


Ed. Magazine, City of Prato, 1986.

Antologica, Ed. Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Palazzo dei Diamanti, City of Ferrara, 1987.

an other: put here..     

Paolo Gubinelli's Critical Anthology  " TEXTS "