Mr. ZELI VINCENZI has the pleasure to invite you to the cultural event

The polygon and the elephant

Notes for “the way of clouds”

To Archimedes it appealed to to play with the shapes of the world, being created models that could be similar indifferently to an elephant or a regular polygon: “It does not change a lot - it explained disciples and increduli - in the substance of the things. We are only to define the contrast”.

At a distance as well as time, nostalgia of the polygon often attacks to us like important vocation, a purity vocation, but we have not still stopped to dream the elephant. And' the contrast that attracts to us in irresistibile way, or perhaps the freedom (true, appearing) to choose what to see? The experience of those who is been involved in the game of the freedom is of the uncertain rest, up to the present, contingent. It implies joy and pain, generates solidarity and egoismi, promotes the passion, but also hatred towards the change. The conflicting ambivalence and attitudes that feed push many observatories by now to speak about crisis of the intelligibilità: the conceptual instruments would lack, therefore are said, for risistemare much twisted one and fragmented a picture, in order to imagine to its place a coherent model. It comes to ask which must be such instruments, which glue can hold together (inasmuch as we do not comprise more the substance than Archimedes) the polygon and the elephant. And' just the variety - the German philosopher answers us Hears Marquard - indeed, the multiple diversity to represent one solution. Therefore the road becomes passibile of shunting lines, like one via between clouds picked in the sky in a summer day. An adventure that it makes us to watch up, in order to watch within, more and more in bottom: and it is a frattalica escape, smarginare of an aerial coast. An escape having conscience towards the aware being, an ideal escape. The multiple art - as acquisition of choice in order to recover the substance of the living - it is an eye vergine. It speaks us about dimensions, game executed and then forgotten with patience, about words puntute, echoes. It does not possess infallible prescriptions: the infallible prescriptions are to the freedom like the water are to the fire. But the way of clouds us standard that that freedom is our destiny. For these reasons - joyful, sodali artistic roots, but also assumption of the utopy like event in realizable power, always pregnant uterus, in love madness of the world - it is found again to us here. Risuonando, in the vibrations of a sensory one to join to the rhythm of the earth (those our deep time that belongs also to the passage of clouds) that the composer Nicholas Cisternino evokes in its mental room. Delineating the elephant in the polygon for shape, case and dimension, like the operating ones of Verification 8+1: to make that it reverberates Munari in it dictates to me ethical-aesthetic rigorous, of light seriousness, with the elegance of who it sees the substance and it knows also that he is fragile, a castle on the sand of the times. And' measure gesture, is measure step, on the way that Gavina Rossi has spied in the sky (and is polygon and elephant, its choice, one pure look, a shelter from the pain). On those to derive, up and in bottom, on that multiple exercise of freedom - at last conquered - the words of Ruth emerge also: counterpoint, echo to the text vibrated from the hand, forms of the gesture. Like a map of the sky, we are here, stellar map without fear: along often diseguali distances, but substantially coinciding. We walk marking of signs the space, notes the air, backs the time. With different codes, we proceed on the way of clouds: because the life is different action.

Francesca Brandes  

Via Bardelle, 36 - S.BENEDETTO DEL PO (Mantova)
Tel. 0376 614261 - 335.6713389


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